Narrating your own adventure to yourself in real time is so OP (message boards and forums-context).
Actually this looks very much like a Calvin and Hobbes reference to me.
Wow your comic is simply fantastic-keep up the amazing work!
First time reader of your comic and it kept me HOOKED through every single story-so much so I read it all in one sitting (I must admit after the first 3 hours I started to see colour in the black and white art)
Simply astounding what you have accomplished here and I certainly hope to see more of this soon
Hasn’t that bloody bat had enough to eat YET?!?!?!?!!!?
I red all you had and it made me sooooo happy thank you <3
I check back every millennium or so, but that @$$#07 Bat is still there. Anyone got any bat-poison?
I think I know what Mary is and how she can see death. Death can be seen after death, but Mary sees death and all other people AND they see her, but not death (can be seen in challenger comic) soooo that means she is between life and death? Which would explain why death took interest in her. Because death 3rd rule is no friends probably because death is immortal and can’t be seen until death. Yeah this is more important then studying…
Curses, that bat is still here and Mary is still hungry.
So Mary Death has died??
YET AGAIN????!!!!!